Hard floor maintenance & Strip ‘n’ Seal

Deep cleaning of hard floors. Stripping and refinishing of hard floor finishes and recoating hard floor finishes.
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Strip and seal is a high quality process that needs to be carefully carried out to ensure protection and long life for expensive flooring. Commercial buildings are exposed to very high foot traffic; along with equipment such as desks and furniture being moved around, trolleys, equipment and general wear, tear, and mess which gradually erodes the finish, shine, and overall look of the floor. If you don’t take care of your flooring it can cause irreparable damage and loss of shine and finish quite quickly, leaving you with a costly repair or replace job.

We provide a premium strip and seal program that goes a long way to protecting flooring from damage, extending the life of the flooring and making it look like new again! Strip and seal also improves the maintenance and cleaning of the floor, saving you man hours on cleaners and delivering high shine and finish with minimal cleaning.